
Nekromantik 1987 movie online
Nekromantik 1987 movie online

Betty soon leaves and takes the corpse with her. When Rob returns, he informs Betty of his termination and she berates him for his failure as well as the fact that he did not stand up for himself.

nekromantik 1987 movie online

She asks the corpse if it could feel the love in the story and begins to straddle the face of the corpse. Īt the apartment, Betty reads a love story to the corpse. His foreman Bruno (Harald Lundt), who never liked him, bullies him as they climb the stairs to see the boss. When Rob goes to work the next day, he is confronted by his co-workers, who are tired of his habitual tardiness and the stinking suit festering in his locker. Plates collect the fluids that drip out of the body. This is immediately followed by a scene of meat being fried.īetty and Rob dine and converse while watching their new "toy" hang on the wall. They immediately cut a steel pipe and put a condom over it so Betty will have a phallus to straddle during their ménage à trois. He excitedly returns home with this gift for his waiting wife. During the removal process, Rob absconds with it. Rob returns to work and discovers his new obsession, the corpse of the unnamed gardener, which has been found rotting in a pond. Next, a man drinking beer and shooting at birds with his rifle accidentally kills a nearby gardener, then discards the corpse. A scene of an autopsy on a human cadaver follows. It is implied that these are memories of his father killing "a beloved childhood pet". Rob then enters a daydream of a young rabbit being caught on a farm and graphically slaughtered. Rob watches a televised interview of a psychiatrist who speaks on the topic of arachnophobia and ways to overcome phobias. Their apartment is decorated with centerfolds featuring models, pictures of famed killers, and jars containing human parts, which are preserved in formaldehyde. He plays with his assortment of preserved human remains and watches television while Betty takes a bath in blood-laden water. He returns home from his job to his apartment and girlfriend Betty. This job leaves him the opportunity to pursue his full-time hobby: necrophilia. Their emblem is the Totenkopf symbol (skull and crossbones variant) within a pentagram. The film centers on Rob Schmadtke, the tragic hero, who works for "Joe's Cleaning Agency", a company that removes bodies from public areas and cleans up after traffic accidents. The next day their corpses are discovered, the man inside the vehicle, the woman thrown from it and her body cut in two. The couple lose their way in the dark and subsequently run off the road. She pulls up her underwear, gets into a car driven by her husband, and they drive away.

nekromantik 1987 movie online

The film opens at night, as a woman urinates on the grass by the side of the road.

Nekromantik 1987 movie online